Following consultation with the ECB ACO and its members across 2022, I am writing to inform you of the introduction of new umpiring pathways ahead of the 2023 season.
Diagram 1 below shows the two pathways – one for the men’s game and one for the women’s game, not one for male umpires and one for women umpires.
Diagram 1 – New Pathways
It was clear from the consultation that members wanted clarity and transparency in how to progress from umpiring lower levels of club cricket to standing in the highest levels of the recreational game and beyond.
We have now defined the key skills, knowledge and attributes required at each level which, along with information about promotion, will be provided separately later this month.
We have been working with the County and Regional ACOs to align the Leagues in England and Wales to the new levels. This information has then allowed us to be able to transition umpires from their current grade to their new level(s) for season 2023.
The table below shows what that means for the men’s game:
Umpires who undertook appointments through WTU in the women’s game in 2022 become a Level 3 umpire in the women’s game pathway.
Your new levels at the start of the 2023 season are therefore:
Men’s Competition : M5
Women’s Competition: W6
Have received additional information.
We have written a document to provide you with the required information about umpire promotion criteria for the 2023 season. The document outlines the process and evidence required for umpires to apply for promotion.
The County ACO Development Officers & Chairs have all received this information ahead of today’s e-mail, and are prepared to help with any questions you may have, or to support you with your promotion aspirations for 2023.