NBCC Winter Nets

We have secured a weekly slot in the Indoor Nets at Edgbaston for the 2024/25 off season. The NBCC Winter Nets will start on 13th October and run weekly at …

Mixed Ability Club Net

Club Net this week, so with no specific focus on development, we will be practising the skills we have learnt so far this winter. We will start promptly at 11am …

Focus on Fielding

Fielding: we all spend more time doing it than we do batting or bowling, but it gets very little focus during nets in recreational cricket, and is often overlooked by …

Focus on Run Rate

I can hardly remember a game last season where ‘our’ innings wasn’t in effect ‘over’ within the first ten overs. Be it setting a target or chasing a target we …

Bat & Bowl In Pairs In Nets

It has never really made sense to me that whilst we bat and bowl in pairs in a game, we have a “every person for themself” approach to nets, and …

Rotating Strike

The net this week is for the First XI squad and those from the and is the start of the “second half” of the Indoor Nets, which will see quite …

Training Buddy

A key focus of my own coaching is equipping players to train and develop their games in their own time as well at formal net sessions, and without doubt having …

Use of Video

There is a lot of coaching equipment available these days, most of it very reasonably priced, and it is well worth you and buddy/training partner looking to invest in some, …

Indoor Cricket

I have never understood why Indoor Cricket isn’t a larger part of the Coaches ‘tool bag’, or indeed clubs don’t use it more than ‘traditional nets’. Yes. It can be …

Specific Drills

An area I am really focussing on with all my coaching this year is to train players to practice better. One way I am doing this is by scheduling sessions, …

Development Cricket Structure

No doubt over the winter many clubs will be discussing, developing and fine tuning their approach to Development Cricket, and it will be the same here at NBCC, only as …

Practice As You Play

Hardly a net goes by without me smiling (inwardly) at the Jekyll and Hyde nature of the majority of cricketers. “Last 6, 15 to win” to a batter who has …

Improving Your Practice

An area I am really focussing on with all my coaching this year is to train players to practice better. One way I am doing this is by scheduling sessions, …

Coaching Structure

Another topic touched on by Chris on his personal blog and one that should be read alongside the Development Cricket post. Think the first thing to say is that if …

White Boards

As a Coach I love it when a player turns up to their training sessions with a white board, ideally two! Personally when I net I like to have two …

Have A Plan

Do yourself, and your coach, a favour and have a plan! You will get so much more out of your training if you have specific goals, and your coach will …

Umpiring and Scoring

Have never really understood while nets focus on batting, bowling, from time to time fielding but never umpiring and scoring. Players have always been required to ‘take and end’ and …

Selecting The Right Captain

I have captained quite a few teams in my time: Boys Brigade, School, Club and College and being honest it had very little to do with being a good captain …

Drills and Warm Up

Can’t say I have much luck with this one, primarily because neither teams or players have regular pre game warm ups. But one (good) thing about being old is that …


Something I am fond of doing with my coaching is asking players about their net statistics! Bowlers: what % of your balls does the batter have to play? what % …

Players Coaching Kit

Coaching equipment is affordable, available and most clubs have an ample supply of it, but I am always a little bemused how few players invest in any coaching kit of …

Get Used To Your Kit

Bit of a strange one this, but if you can I suggest you spend as much time wearing and using the kit and equipment that you will use in a …