Period Supportive Sports Club

Exciting news from our friends at FabLittleBag who have announced that their Period Positive Plan is taking a positive step forward and is transitioning into their Period Supportive movemnet. By …

Día del Galgo

Animal Welfare and Whakapapa go hand in hand, or in this case paw in paw, for us here at No Boundaries Cricket Club. Chris is a huge fan of the …


At the same time as launching our women and girls’ team with their kit specifically tailored to a woman’s body, their equipment designed exclusively for women and girls, and the …

Mixed Ability Nets

An area I am really focussing on with all my coaching this year is to train players to practice better. One way I am doing this is by scheduling sessions, …

Cricket Club Structures

We all know how much cricketers like to talk, about the same stuff, week after week, month after month, year after year …… and it seems decades after decades! This …


Out4Cricket (@out4cricket) work with and support the LGBTQ+ community and stakeholders in cricket to create inclusive environments that increase community participation through education, advocacy, research, promotion and resources. Their aim …

SACO Concussion/Head Injury

Thought I would share this information received recently from South Staffs ACO providing guidance to follow regards incidents of concussion. An ‘ appropriate adult’ would mean a conversation with the …