Our vision has always been to develop a number of teams to help deliver inclusivity and diversity in cricket.
Whilst each ‘team’ focuses on a different set of players the objective remains the same: to provide a conduit between society and cricket to help both clubs and individuals to develop their Whakapapa through cricket.
We recently added the Womans and Girls’ team to the club, joining the existing Development (juniors entry into senior cricket) team, and whilst we need to concentrate on this ‘project’ we are also starting to work on our next team.
The NBCC LGBTQ+ team will work with existing LGBTQ+ clubs to provide a realistic and achievable route into league cricket.
We will create a NBCC team from players from across all existing clubs who want to develop their own game, and have aspirations to play Saturday League cricket.
This team will play 3 or 4 times a year against existing League teams, and ‘our’ players will guest for NBCC in charity and promotional games to gain more experience and increase awareness.
Coaching and mentoring will be available to these players. This will be provided by NBCC at various locations around the UK in one2one or small group sessions, backed up with ongoing support online. There will be no cost to the players for this: although donations from players and clubs always welcome!
We will work with all current and future LGBTQ+ teams/clubs and our team will be an additional option for those players that opt in: either through invite or application.
The objective is for these players to reach and feel comfortable playing league cricket. This could be with their LGBTQ+ club if it plays at that level, for an existing league club, or for NBCC if we extend the project and set up a league team ourselves.
More information to follow, but if you would like to discuss or register your interest please get in touch.