Head of Disability Cricket: Rob Franks

Absolutely delighted that in addition to his role as Ambassador, and one of our playing Captains, Rob Franks (@Robfranks) has agreed to take on the role of Head of Disability Cricket.

Key Roles & Responsibilities

Traditionally the role would act as a conduit between the Committee and coaching panel. Liaise with the Head Coach in recruiting and maintaining players, including developing a succession plan for key positions. Establish and maintain development programs for coaches and players.

Probably a little OTT for us, certainly initially, but what we really want Rob to do is to look at No Boundaries from the players perspective: are they being looked after properly, are they getting a good game and developing their skills, are we meeting the objectives of our fixtures, have we got the right balance of squad to meet our club aims.

Rob will help specifically with player recruitment, team selection, fixtures and player development.