Out4Cricket and NBCC Partnership
Out4Cricket (@out4cricket) and No Boundaries Cricket Club (@nbcccic) are pleased to announce a partnership to work together to make cricket more inclusive, diverse and welcoming. Out4Cricket work with and support …
Out4Cricket (@out4cricket) and No Boundaries Cricket Club (@nbcccic) are pleased to announce a partnership to work together to make cricket more inclusive, diverse and welcoming. Out4Cricket work with and support …
We are delighted that Mersey Rose Recreationals CC (@merseyrose) have decided to continue their development journey by becoming a NBCC Club Partner. NBCC and MRCC share a very similar vision: …
Earlier this month we had the pleasure of running a coaching session for the Mersey Rose Recs CC (@merseyrose), and it is great to see them going from strength to …
ECB and Initial share an ambition to ensure women and girls aren’t held back from playing cricket. Press Release The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and Initial Washroom Hygiene …
When we announced our plans to develop a Women and Girls’ team we had a number of partners in mind and without doubt the UK’s only female specific brand, NEXX …
The challenges and responsibilities facing club cricket are significant, and meeting these challenges and responsibilities is not going to be easy for many clubs. A fundamental change is required: retaining …
This is great to see, congratulations to all involved. Cricket Scotland has today announced a ground-breaking partnership with the South Asian Cricket Academy (SACA) to tackle inequalities and increase British …
Having written before about #HerGameToo it will (hopefully) be no surprise that we have signed up as a Grassroots Partner to support their campaign against sexism in Sport. Who Are …
We have long been friends, supporters and admirers of The Cricket Kindness Project and the amazing lady behind it, Tamara Lowe so we are doubly excited to announce that not …
Here are the details of the Cricket for Girls National Conference 2025. The day will take place on Friday 9th May at Reed’s School, Cobham, Surrey and is suitable for all Teachers …